Thursday, 22 May 2014

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility-A Mandated Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a term widely use for defining the responsibilities of Corporate world towards the society & environment. Although the term is not new in this Corporate world but its scope & meaning has undergone major changes from treating it as a mere charity in comparison with the responsibilities/duties of the Corporate towards the outer world.
There are many big entities who have been actively engaged in the CSR activities but unfortunately the number is relatively less. In order to encourage more entities to participate in the process of development of the society via- CSR, the Government of India has actually implemented the concept of CSR in the new Companies Act 2013, On 27th February, 2014, the Government of India has notified the rules for CSR spending u/s 135 of the New Companies Act 2013 along with Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 effective from 1st April 2014. Turning the CSR from voluntary activities to the mandated responsibilities, also governed by the bundle of regulations.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified Section 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013, as well as the provisions of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 to come into effect from April 1, 2014.

Computation of Net Profit
Every company will have to report its standalone net profit during a financial year for the purpose of determining whether or not it triggers the threshold criteria as prescribed under Section 135(1) of the Companies Act.
Indian company: The CSR Rules have clarified the manner in which a company’s net worth will be computed to determine if it fits into the ‘spending’ norm. In order to determine the ‘net profit’, dividend income received from another Indian company or profits made by the company from its overseas branches have been excluded. Moreover, the 2% CSR is computed as 2% of the average net profits made by the company during the preceding three financial years.
Foreign company: The CSR Rules prescribe that in case of a foreign company that has its branch or a project office in India, CSR provision will be applicable to such offices. CSR Rules further prescribe that the balance sheet and profit and loss account of a foreign company will be prepared in accordance with Section 381(1)(a) and net profit to be computed as per Section 198 of the Companies Act. It is not clear as to how the computation of net worth or turnover would be arrived at in case of a branch or project office of a foreign company.
Every company, private limited or public limited which
·       either has a net worth of Rs 500 crore or
·       a turnover of Rs 1,000 crore or
·       net profit of Rs 5 crore,
needs to spend at least 2% of its average net profit for the immediately preceding three financial years on corporate social responsibility activities.
The net worth, turnover and net profits are to be computed in terms of Section 198 of the 2013 Act as per the profit and loss statement prepared by the company in terms of Section 381 (1) (a) and Section 198 of the 2013 Act. It has been clarified that if net profits are computed under the Companies Act, 1956 they needn't be recomputed under the 2013 Act. Profits from any overseas branch of the company, including those branches that are operated as a separate company would not be included in the computation of net profits of a company. Besides, dividends received from other companies in India which need to comply with the CSR obligations would not be included in the computation of net profits of a Company.

The CSR Rules appear to widen the ambit for compliance obligations to include the holding and subsidiary companies as well as foreign companies whose branches or project offices in India fulfil the specified criteria. There is a need for clarity with respect to the compliance obligations of a company as well as its holding and subsidiary companies.
A company can undertake its CSR activities through a registered trust or society, a company established by its holding, subsidiary or associate company or otherwise, provided that the company has specified the activities to be undertaken, the modalities for utilization of funds as well as the reporting and monitoring mechanism. If the entity through which the CSR activities are being undertaken is not established by the company or its holding, subsidiary or associate company, such entity would need to have an established track record of three years undertaking similar activities.
Companies can also collaborate with each other for jointly undertaking CSR activities; provided that each of the companies are able individually report on such projects.
A company can build CSR capabilities of its personnel or implementation agencies through institutions with established track records of at least three years, provided that the expenditure for such activities does not exceed 5% of the total CSR expenditure of the company in a single financial year.

Composition of CSR Committee
The Company should constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee as follows:
  • The Committee shall consist of minimum 3 (three) including 1 (one) Independent Director, however in case of Private Company or the Company, which is not required to appoint Independent Director on board, or Foreign Company the committee can be formulated with (2) two directors.
  • The CSR Policy shall be formulated in accordance with Schedule VII and the CSR Committee will be responsible for framing the policy, finalizing the amount to be spent on CSR, monitoring & implementation of the Scheme.
  • If Company ceases to fulfil the eligibility criteria for three consecutive years, then the company is not required to comply until the company will meet the eligibility criteria once again.
  • The CSR Rules provides the manner in which CSR committee shall formulate, monitor the policy and manner of understanding for CSR activities.
  • Under the rules, the Government has fixed a threshold limit of 2% of the "Average' Net Profits of the block of previous three years on CSR activities and if Company fails to spend such amount, disclosures are to be made for the same. But an exemption has been given to the Companies that do not satisfy the above threshold for three consecutive years.

Brief on CSR Activities as prescribed under Schedule VII of CA, 2013

  • Objective to efface the daily life segments including poverty, malnutrition and hunger while enhancing the standard of living and promoting the facets of better health care and sanitation.
  • Initiative to promote the different segments of education including special education and programs to enhance the vocation skills for all ages like children, women, elderly and conducting other livelihood enhancement projects.
  • Aim to bring the uniformity in respect of different sections of the society to promote gender equality and other facilities for senior citizens and developing hostels for women and orphans and taking initiative for empowering women and lowering inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups.
  • Elevate the segment of flora and fauna to bring the ecological balance and environmental sustainability in respect of animal welfare, conservation of natural resources and ago forestry while maintaining the quality of air, water and soil.
  • Enhancement of Craftsmanship while protecting art and culture and measures to restore sites of historical importance and national heritage and promoting the works of art and setting up of public libraries.
  • Steps to bring worthy to the part of war windows, armed force veterans and their departments.
  • Sports programs and training sessions to enhance the level of rural sports, nationally recognized sports, Paralympic sports and Olympics sports.
  • Favoring to Prime Minister's National Relief Fund and contribution to other fund set up by the central government to promote socio-economic development and welfare of the schedule castes and Schedule Tribes and for supporting backward classes, minorities and women.  
  • Contributions to uplift the technology of incubator that's comes under academic institutions and which are approved by the Central Government and rural development projects.
  • Introducing varied projects for Rural Development.
The below activities doesn't include under the CSR activities of the Company.
  • Business run in the normal course.
  • Outside the territory of the India or abroad.
  • For the welfare of the employees and their families.
  • Political party contribution of any amount directly and indirectly as defined u/s 182 of the Act.
The above CSR activities shall be undertaken by the Company, as per its stated CSR policy, in consonance with the new or ongoing projects excluding activities undertaken in pursuance of its normal course of business. The Board of Directors may decide to undertake its CSR activities approved by the CSR Committee, through a registered trust or a registered society.

Yearly Compliances:-

  • The Annual Report of the Company shall include a comprehensive Report on CSR in the format as prescribed in the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, containing particulars on Overview of CSR Policy, Composition of the Committee, Avg. Net Profit, prescribed expenditure and details of its spending, reason in case of failure etc.
  • The disclosure on CSR in Board Report should also be available on the Company's Website.
  • The activities included in the CSR Policy and the prescribed expenditure being undertaken/ spent shall be ensured by the Board, in the respective manner.
  • This means all the Companies falling in the aforesaid criteria needs to ensure CSR compliance but it is debatable to say that the same is for welfare of the society or the companies are doing it just to avoid penalties. CSR stands to support the Company's Vision as well as directions to what Organization stands for and will sustain its clients. An ISO 26000 is the accepted worldwide standard for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
  • CSR term has been revaluated with an aim to embrace responsibility for the Company's actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, employees, communities and all. 
  • While the introduction of CSR provision in the Companies Act is a welcome step, however the current discourse of corporate philanthropy without giving any express autonomy to companies in choosing their CSR activities may not yield the desired outcome. By allowing only selected list of activities within the Schedule in a sectional manner may end up encouraging only a passive participation by corporates towards CSR activities. In order to enable corporates to participate fully in the philanthropy space, the participation must start with a more inclusive management of CSR policies where government and industry work side by side, which does not assume that (social) business and CSR are incompatible. Thus, the policy-makers should frame rules for social business projects instead of eliminating it from the scheme of CSR regime altogether.
  • Although Section 135 of the Companies Act did not contemplate enlarging the scope of companies to cover foreign companies in the first place, the CSR Rules nonetheless included foreign companies within its scope. It seems the central government is not opposed to the idea of allowing excessive delegated powers to the executive to make such changes in the Companies Act which cannot be brought unless an amendment to the original Act is proposed. The CSR Rules, in essence, exceeds its legislative mandate; and this aspect needs to be considered by the policy makers.
  • By expanding the scope of CSR to include foreign companies, its impact on such companies may be manifold. In light of the ambiguity surrounding financial computation of foreign companies, it needs to be seen how practical it would be for branch or project offices to participate in CSR activities. In order to retain the advantage of having a CSR provision in the Companies Act, MCA must also facilitate greater convergence with tax and foreign contribution laws in India.

In short, CSR can also be termed as Corporate Organizations to behave responsibly.

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